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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A lighthouse in a dark city

The name Kolkata means "abode of Kali." Kali is one of the three top gods in Hinduism. He is the destroyer. Brahma creates, Vishnu preserves and Kali destroys. That is the cycle of life. There are tens of thousands of gods added. The elephant god adorned the wall of the guest house and there were tons of little figurine gods on the door. Kalid, the guest house owner went to a Catholic school but says he doesn't believe in God. His only son is a drug addict. He gets drunk every night. I shared the hope in Jesus with him. He asked me to pray and then said: :I do beleive in God but He has abandonned me." Please pray for him and his son.
Kali being taken in the Ganges as an act of worship.

gods on gest house door
 Parts of Kolkata are flooded during the rainy season. The church reaches out to the needy. 
I was here in 2009. Purnendu Sinha invited me back to give level 1 churh multiplication training to his evangelists and church planters. They have planted 35 churches in the Eastern district which includes Kolkata, Salt Lake, West Bengal and Orissa.

What a blessing to work with these brave evangelists. They are so grateful and appreciative of the training received. They gave me a wood carving.

These two young men (in their mid-twenties) work full-time as evangelists and live on very little. They long to see unreached people know Christ, become disciples and form new lighthouses in the darkness.

Here is a lighthouse. They meet for prayer and fellowhip. I was asked to teach unexpectedly. God blessed and we had a great time in the Word. The trip took 2 days and it's been non stop since I got off the plane.

Some of the trainees came from the Brahmin class. They are powerful evangelists. They go to the slums in the name of Jesus, taking medical teams and bringing a word of hope.

Prayer and praise are the strength of these churches.

 Rev. Purnendu and his little family.
 They worked hard at their studies and made plans to multipliy disciples, leaders and churches.

 Kolkata is weher Mother Theresa had here minsitry. This is the home of the Carmelite sisters. Willima Carey also ministered in Kolkata 200 years ago.

God is at work in India! Workers are rising up.

Please pray for Purnendu and the 15 that were trained.
Now I am off to Kathmandu, Nepal. I will be there with a team from my home church. Please pray for a meeting to explore doing church planting training with Nepalese leaders. I will also be training leaders from AWANA from Bangladesh, India and Nepal. More later


Unknown said...

Great Stuff Gene! Keep up the good work- Jim Folk

Unknown said...

Great to see people being trained and multiplying! Jim

Steve Wilson said...

Our God is SO GOOD! Thank you, Gene for being available and willing to serve!