Missional clarity is important. It takes time and must come from the Lord. Sometimes it is precipitated by practical realities. For example, the opportunities to train and coach church planters are outpacing the resources. We need to be wise stewards. We believe God is answering and we want to put the focus on three priorities:
- Indigenous movement leaders over US staff
- Multiplication (church planting movements) over addition (isolated church plants)
- Working with and through partners rather than going it alone
Vision: A transformational church planting movement in every region we serve.
Mission: To develop church planting leaders and support systems* for the multiplication of kingdom communities globally.
That means we need to develop, empower and release those who lead movements of healthy, indigenous and reproducing churches. Sometimes a story is worh 1,000 words. I hope you will enjoy the parable of two trees and the examples of multiplication in Germany, Brazil and Liberia in this 4 minute video.
We need wisdom to help national leaders contextualize the church planting efforts and training. Please pray for the upcoming opportunities to train movement leaders and church planting in Church Multiplication.
Mar 14-20 Middle Eastern movement leaders in Beirut, Lebanon
April 9-15 Vietnamese church planting trainers in DaNang, Vietnam
June 7-15 Eastern European church planters in Prague, Czech Republic
Thank you for standing with us in this challenging and exciting time.
Gene and Linda
* Just as a healthy ecosystem supports plant life and healthy body systems support human life, ongoing training and coaching support healthy movements of reproducing churches.
* Just as a healthy ecosystem supports plant life and healthy body systems support human life, ongoing training and coaching support healthy movements of reproducing churches.